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KnoxViews is a progressive, community driven citizen media site for residents of Knoxville and surrounding communities to report and discuss local, regional and state news about government and politics, current events and culture.
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- Let it snow... (7 replies)
- What's up with Blount County Board of Education? (1 reply)
- Is Bezos jealous of Musk? (1 reply)
- New Musical Alito (1 reply)
- Private equity reduces patient care while enriching investors, Senate report finds (1 reply)
- Knoxville to get $24.7M RAISE grant for pedestrian bridge (3 replies)
- Stove: glass top vs coil cooktop? (2 replies)
- Medicare [drug plan] changes for 2025 (5 replies)
- Kern's Food Hall ditches unpopular paid parking system (3 replies)
- Victor Ashe: our district without representation (1 reply)
- Tennessee DOE releases school letter grades: How did your school do? (3 replies)
- Happy Holidays! (1 reply)
TN Progressive
- Maybe it's time to reenergize RoaneViews...Or does anyone have a better idea? (RoaneViews)
- (Whitescreek Journal)
- Friday Toons (RoaneViews)
- Lee's Fried Chicken in Alcoa closed (BlountViews)
- Friday Toons (RoaneViews)
- Friday Toons (RoaneViews)
- Alcoa, Hall Rd. Corridor Study meeting, July 30, 2024 (BlountViews)
- My choices in the August election (Left Wing Cracker)
- July 4, 2024 - aka The Twilight Zone (Joe Powell)
- Chef steals food to serve at restaurant? (BlountViews)
- Blount County, TDOT make road deal for gun mfg ignoring town of Louisville,TN, (BlountViews)
- Winter at the Big Rocks (Whitescreek Journal)
TN Politics
- Trump pick for Pentagon chief, Pete Hegseth, grilled at lengthy confirmation hearing (TN Lookout)
- Trump would have been convicted on election interference charges, says special counsel (TN Lookout)
- U.S. Senate moves ahead with immigration bill expanding detention for theft, shoplifting (TN Lookout)
- Tennessee Building Commission approves new Moccasin Bend Mental Health facility minus the site (TN Lookout)
- U.S. Senate hearing on Interior nominee postponed until Thursday (TN Lookout)
- Tennessee House could consider 10-bill limit as part of 2025 rules (TN Lookout)
Knox TN Today
- Thaw out with programs at the Knox County Library (Knox TN Today)
- The Book Whisperer’s 2025 reading resolutions (Knox TN Today)
- L & N and Cedar Springs move on in TN Scholars Bowl: Who’s next? (Knox TN Today)
- Be my valentine? (Knox TN Today)
- Whitney Lee is new FHS assistant athletic director (Knox TN Today)
- Grace Christian Academy: Open House 1/26/25 (Knox TN Today)
- A Tale of Two Cities: From Viareggio back to Knoxville (Knox TN Today)
- Lady Vols secure much-needed SEC road win (Knox TN Today)
- Hello 2025, from Muse Knoxville +++ (Knox TN Today)
- How it began (Knox TN Today)
- Crayola crayons: Bane or necessity (Knox TN Today)
- Do you know someone? (Knox TN Today)
Local TV News
- Girl's flag football grows in popularity as Vine Middle School prepares to take on Halls Middle School Tuesday (WBIR)
- South Knoxville residents look to the future as pedestrian bridge project moves forward (WATE)
- BCSO: 6th person arrested for animal cruelty after 12 dogs and 13 cats rescued from Blount Co. home (WBIR)
- Downtown Middlesboro fire leaves hundreds without power on Tuesday night, warming centers open to help those in need (WBIR)
- Knoxville warming center in need of new heating system amid frigid temperatures (WATE)
- Lenoir City woman receives unwanted credit card after free vacation offer (WATE)
- Federal appeals court allows Tennessee's porn site age verification law to go into effect (WBIR)
- Knoxville crews used more than 36,400 gallons of brine on city roads during recent snowstorm (WBIR)
- Tennessee bill would launch program to build, repair sidewalks near schools (WATE)
- Tennessee faces lawsuit over delays in processing SNAP benefits (WBIR)
- Gov. Lee orders flags be raised to full-staff for Trump inauguration (WATE)
- Search suspended for wanted suspect in Loudon County (WATE)
News Sentinel
State News
- Novonix leaders talk layoffs as Chattanooga mulls tax deal - Chattanooga Times Free Press (Times Free Press)
- Opinion: Plenty of blame for Los Angeles ring of fire - Chattanooga Times Free Press (Times Free Press)
- Cell phone bans could be coming to Tennessee schools - Chattanooga Times Free Press (Times Free Press)
- Chattanooga Airport hits record passenger mark in 2024 - Chattanooga Times Free Press (Times Free Press)
Wire Reports
- Traders mark time ahead of US CPI, bank earnings - Reuters (Business)
- JPMorgan Chase is set to report fourth-quarter earnings – here’s what the Street expects - CNBC (Business)
- L.A. Fire Devastates Historic Black Community in Altadena - The New York Times (US News)
- SEC sues Elon Musk over late disclosure of Twitter share purchases - The Washington Post (Business)
- House votes to ban transgender students from girls’ sports - The Washington Post (US News)
- Crisis-hit Boeing falls further behind Airbus - The Seattle Times (Business)
- Meta to lay off 3,600 employees; have decided to raise the bar, says Mark Zuckerberg - The Times of India (Business)
- What we learned from the Trump Jan. 6 report by special counsel Jack Smith - The Washington Post (US News)
- Pete Hegseth Confirmation: Key Sen. Joni Ernst Will Back Trump’s Pentagon Pick—After Senate Hearing - Forbes (US News)
- Michelle Obama won't attend Trump's second inauguration - Axios (US News)
- Southern California sees wind reprieve, but extreme fire weather expected to return Wednesday - Los Angeles Times (US News)
- US Inflation Data to Remain Firm, Feeding Fears of Higher Rates - Bloomberg (Business)
- No such thing as a free toilet: Starbucks reverses open bathroom policy - NPR (Business)
- Here's where insurance companies see the most risk for disasters - NBC News (Business)
- Rep. Dustin Burrows voted Texas House speaker in blow to insurgent GOP movement - The Texas Tribune (US News)
Local Media
Lost Medicaid Funding
Search and Archives
TN Progressive
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- Herston TN Family Law
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- Jim Stovall
- Knox Dems
- MoxCarm Blue Streak
- Outdoor Knoxville
- Pittman Properties
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- Stop Alcoa Parkway
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