Jan 31 2009
12:17 pm


My wife and I both have been thinking about Danny over the last couple of weeks.

Thank you, Betty, for remembering so eloquently.

bill young's picture

I miss Danny too

Even though I did not support Danny for mayor in '99 I've got a Make Mayfield Mayor yardsign on my wall.I supported Randy Tyree.

I told Danny early on that if Tyree ran that's who I would support.But if he ran in 2003 I would do everything I could to get him elected.Both Danny & Missy understood.

I did something that year I've never done before or since..I went to the annoucement for a candidate I was not voting for.

I went to Morningside Park that day...They said I would never walk because of the cancer of my youth but look at me now..and he jumped up & down...They said Missy never would be my bride & and look at our two wonderful kids..They said I would never be the president of the student body @ Knoxville College & I was..They said I would never serve on city council..I am a councilman..Now they say I cant be elected mayor.

It was moving & I was treated with respect..Why I dont know..after all I was helping Tyree..but it shows what great man Danny was plus he was politically a smart fellow..why burn a bridge to this old fool Wild Bill Young when I can build one for the future.

Folks treated Danny badly that year.They gave him an for mayor & you will no longer be employed @ Knoxville College.He ran for mayor & lost his job.

I talked to the president of KC later & she told me in retrospect she should have never gone along with that.

She thought he would not run but after it happened she knew that of course Danny wouldn't go along with such a political deal.

The political establishment kept wondering..What does Danny want out of this deal..What's he trying to get from us out of running for mayor..tell us & we will give it to him.

Bill you talk to Danny tell us what does he want? Over & over they ask me.What does he want?

Now Randy never ask me that but at a rally I took Randy off to the side.

I told Randy

Danny wants the same thing you want

Randy looked me at me & said..What?

I repeated..Danny wants the same you want.

Randy said..What do you mean?

I repeated...Danny wants the same thing you want.

He wants to be mayor of Knoxville.

Mark & Betty I miss Danny too.

StaceyDiamond's picture


That was a great article by Betty! I alawys admired Danny and voted for him in 1999. What I have often wondered is why Chris Woodhull never speaks of Danny and Melissa came to campaign for Mustafa in 2003 and nobody else.

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