Jul 19 2024
04:53 pm

Blount Memorial Hospital has been in financial trouble for several years. Maybe something to do with Tennessee not expanding Medicaid?

Now they have been meeting with several hospital systems to work out some sort of agreement/assistance. Instead of picking one of the two excellent hospital systems in the area, Covenant or UT Memorial Hospital, they have decided to pursue a "member substitution agreement" with a "private non-profit" in South Carolina.

"The decision came down to culture, advisors to the hospital and county said..."

Huh? Sorry, I think they are making a big mistake. Whatever.

Treehouse's picture


Sounds like the powers that be have made a decision. Sorry.

fischbobber's picture

Dr. Martha Buchanan is based out of South Carolina now.

Perhaps someone that knows her could reach out and get a scoop on the non-profit.

yellowdog's picture

It would not have made much sense to join up with Covenant or UT

if the objective was to avoid closing.

bizgrrl's picture

Why? I would think either

Why? I would think either hospital system would do well and be an even better asset to this area.

yellowdog's picture


Not sure having those two systems even more dominant and close by would be good for the survival of BMH long term.

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