Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii, is stunningly unqualified for almost any Cabinet post... She has no qualifications as an intelligence professional—literally none.
She’s been an apologist for both the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad and Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Her politics, which are otherwise incoherent, tend to be sympathetic to these two strongmen, painting America as the problem and the dictators as misunderstood.

yellowdog's picture

She will fit right in.

Will any Republican senators refuse these crazy appointments?

Mike Daugherty's picture

I think we are coming to a

I think we are coming to a turning point in our history after a divisive election. It is obvious to reasonable people that the men and women being nominated for cabinet positions are unqualified and if confirmed will lead to policies that will destroy our way of life.
The likelihood of the U.S. breaking up in the next decade is real. The Soviet Union divided into 15 independent countries. Europe has over 40 countries. The U.S. could split up into dozens of independent countries.

In 1860, after Lincoln's election, South Carolina seceded from the union and then 10 more southern states followed. The United States fought a four year war to keep those states in the union. I do not think in today's United States with so much polarization that the resistance would be that great if a group of like minded states decided to secede and create a country that could pass laws that represented their views. It would probably be a relief to many that their states could enact the type of laws they always wanted without having to compromise. Christian Nationalism could be achieved without resistance from the liberal bleeding hearts in California and elsewhere. I think that in a few years it is possible, if not likely that the U.S. will breakup and form multiple countries. I think we are definately at a turning point in our country. The blue states already carry the red states financially. How long will they continue to tolerate this with the coming Nazi rule?

The United States has moved on from the Greatest Generation of the 1930s and 1940s that defeated the Axis Powers and their evil dictators. Millions of our parents and grandparents were dedicated to giving all they had on the battlefield and on the home front to preserving democracy in America. Now it appears the Worst Generation is willing to give up the democracy our parents and grandparents fought to preserve. They are a disgrace. The Maga voters are the real losers and sucker's.

fischbobber's picture


Tennessee is fuc*ed if we have to make it alone as an independent state. We are the most welfare (read federal monbey being given to uis way beyond our contribution to this natioin)dependent state in the nation. We have turned into a parody of ourselves. Nothging but a bunch of white trash rednecks not smart enough to understand the cionsequence of behavior and action. Buy ammunition is abouty the oinly sane advice I have. That, and learn to watch what you say in public. Big Brother is watching you.

Mike Daugherty's picture

You are right about

You are right about Tennessee. The majority of voters in our state vote against their own interest! Its like the guy with the MAGA Hat that is on Obama care. Go figure.
Everybody should know that anything they say, or write, or do is being watched and recorded.

After being diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis at Vanderbilt last year and being told by the Dr there is no cure and the average survival for IPF patients was 2 years, ( Don't believe everything those smart doctors tell you) I have decided I really do not care who hears me. Now, at 65 years old, I wish I had always had that attitude. Of course, it's been over a year since diagnosis. I am progressing slowly and ready for a lung transplant when time comes, if the time comes. That might squeeze out another few years. So my public rambling could continue for years.

All of us have the responsibility to resist this bs and stand up for what is right. I sure hope they are listening to me and to everybody else that wants to keep our democracy and wants rapists and criminals like the President - elect in prison. I am not going to shut up until the buffoon leaves office and we get a qualified Democrat or Republican in the White House.

We should all pray that the millions of misguided Maga supporters will see the light soon and realize their anti-Christian, racist, and dishonest leader needs to be in prison before he destroys our democracy and way of life.

fischbobber's picture


I'm going underground to a degree. A radical writer with restricited access to local media outlets doesn't have a lot of say about anything around here. Screw the Democrats. I'm tired of trying to help. If the local party is so damn smart, let them fix this mess.

Mike Daugherty's picture

Bob, I understand, but the

Bob, I understand, but the most important thing is never give up and keep fighting. That way you will always know that you did right and can be proud of that. The only thing we can control is our own actions.

fischbobber's picture

There's a difference you know.......

Between giving up and acknowledging defeat and hiding out to fight another day. A writer without forums ain't much good to anyone. Remember, your freedoms are controlled by the capitalists now. It doesn't take much to get shut down. We have to decide as a community if we're happy being ground zero for the American Nazi movement. We sure do elect alot of them.

Mike Daugherty's picture

The 75 million Nazi

The 75 million Nazi supporters of Trump are pathetic losers. Trump told them what his plans were for his dictatorship and they supported him anyway. We are finding out now the folks that will be the Himmlers and Goebbels of his Nazi regime. We are losing our freedom now and we have Vance and other wannabe dictators in line. It's a sad day for democracy. The swastika flags and armbands are about to come out. Trump said he was ready to be dictator on day one and promised his Christian supporters it was the last time they would have to vote. Scary stuff.

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