Apr 24 2024
08:12 am

In a wide-ranging conversation with Bill Frist, a former U.S. Senate Majority Leader, Ellison said Oracle is moving a “huge campus” to Nashville, “which will ultimately be our world headquarters.” He said Nashville is an established health center and a “fabulous place to live,” one that Oracle employees are excited about.

Oracle is moving its world headquarters to Nashville to be closer to health-care industry

bizgrrl's picture

Sheesh.The city’s reputation


The city’s reputation as a health-care hub was catalyzed when HCA Healthcare, one of the first for-profit hospital companies in the U.S., was founded there in 1968.

From Wikipedia and should be well known in Tennessee, "The [HCA] company engaged in illegal accounting and other crimes in the 1990s that resulted in the payment of more than $2 billion in federal fines and other penalties, and the dismissal of the CEO Rick Scott [current U.S. Senator, FL] by the board of directors."

[Larry] "Ellison said Tuesday that Oracle is relatively new to the health-care sector, but he believes the company has a “moral obligation” to solve problems facing the industry."

Hah! Moving to a state without Medicaid Expansion. Moral obligation?

He moved the company to Austin, TX, in 2020. Not conservative enough for him?

From Wikipedia,
"The Washington Post reported in May 2022 that Ellison participated in a conference call days after the 2020 presidential election that focused on strategies for challenging the legitimacy of the vote. Other participants on the call included Fox News host Sean Hannity, senator Lindsey Graham, Trump personal attorney Jay Sekulow and James Bopp, an attorney for True the Vote. "

Where will he move next? Idaho?

yellowdog's picture

I hope Oracles employees are not rightwing nutjobs like Ellison

and that they can help nudge this state away from the current mob.

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