bizgrrl's picture

My old elementary school,

My old elementary school, Mount Olive, got an N/A and my old high school, South-Doyle/Doyle, got a D.

SoKno County doing well. Not.

Wonder what N/A means. I went to the TN Dept of Education 2023-24 Report Card for schools and it appeared to show Mount Olive received a B. Don't know why it shows N/A at WATE article.

Of the 17 listed "high" schools, 7 (40%) received a D and 1 received an F (Fulton). Not so good.

Up Goose Creek's picture


Look where Dogwood has gotten an A. That's a bump up from years past. I suspect a baby boom from educated bike riders? It will be interesting to see if that becomes an increase in the score of SD Middle and then High as the years go by.

fischbobber's picture

Victor Ashe on schools today.... Dec, 25.

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