Aug 22 2009
11:55 am

Sources close to President Obama's inner circle say he has listened to the Republican teabaggers, birthers, gun-toting militiamen and town hall criers and that he "hears them loud and clear." After some long and painful reflection, he has decided to give them back their country.


Because there is so much concern about what the government is going to do to grandma, the first step of winding down the federal government will be to end Medicare and Social Security. According to sources, Republicans and their libertarian allies have convinced Obama that America's seniors can take better care of themselves with the help of their families and the free markets, which are better equipped to provide for their dignity, health, and wellbeing. Ending these wasteful programs will save taxpayers trillions of dollars, and reduced life expectancies will result in huge bonus savings on health care costs.

Regarding the national debt, Obama will file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on behalf of the United States. This will automatically wipe out most of our debt, providing an immediate benefit of approx. $40,000 for every man, woman, and child in America. Holders of T-Bills, Savings Bonds, and the like can get in line with defense contractors, road builders, veterans with pensions, and China to collect whatever pennies on the dollar they can for what they are owed during the restructuring of the Full Faith and Credit of the United States government.

Realizing now that the private sector can do things with greater efficiency for lower cost, President Obama is also going to abolish the U.S. Postal Service. This might be a great time to buy stock in FedEx and UPS, and investors will be able to negotiate better trades without interference by the Securities and Exchange Commission, which will also be abolished.

And speaking of regulation in the financial markets, President Obama will also abolish the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Reserve, and the FDIC. While deposits will no longer be insured and banking practices will no longer be regulated, banks will be free to compete with each other for access to liquidity, and free to compete with payday lenders, title loan companies, and check cashing services to offer a broader range of financial services at lower cost to more consumers. Eliminating prohibitions against usury will make it easier than ever to obtain credit, and borrowers will be able to negotiate their own credit and payment terms without interference by government agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission, which will no longer exist under the President's plan.

Abolishing the Federal Trade Commission will also put consumer protection back in the hands of consumers. Bad behavior such as manufacturing and selling defective or hazardous products and unfair trade practices such as telemarketing scams or unapproved charges to credit cards will be punished in the free market by consumers who can simply choose to not do business with bad actors. Similarly, monopolies will be free to flourish, ensuring that only the very best products and services are available to American consumers.

The President's plan will also eliminate the Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and other agencies that are nothing more than obstacles in the path of hard working corporations trying to bring new products to market more efficiently and at lower cost. Consumers will no longer have to wait for lengthy and expensive clinical trials to obtain the latest pharmaceutical treatments for thinning eyelashes and erectile dysfunction. We will have a steady, reliable supply of food and food-like products free from interference by government inspectors whose only job is to keep them off the market and limit consumer choices.

Eliminating the EPA, the Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining, and other such inefficient bureaucracies will solve America's energy problems and stop the endless, counter-productive debates over energy and environmental policy. Quasi-privatized utilities such as TVA have shown President Obama that less government interference and oversight equals higher operating efficiency and cheap, unlimited energy to power American prosperity. Obama now realizes that eliminating government control over our natural resources will unlock unlimited supplies of coal, oil, natural gas, uranium, and other energy sources, and free up valuable, previously non-productive land for commercial development without interference from government agencies such as the National Park Service.

Other government efficiency and downsizing plans are in the works, such as eliminating the FAA to free America's skies, eliminating the DOT to free America's highways, eliminating the Coast Guard to free America's coastlines, eliminating the FCC to free America's airwaves... the possibilities are endless according to sources in the Obama administration.

The President's close advisors say that these first "baby steps" will eliminate the need for most federal taxes, but there are still some details to be worked out. During the transition, remaining federal services will be offered on a "pay as you go" basis, sold through regional cooperatives that will offer competing products and services from both government and private enterprise. For example, Arizona and Texas will be free to choose from a variety of competitive border protection plans offered by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency, Wackenhut, ADP, and Xe Services (formerly Blackwater).

Sources say the biggest stumbling block so far is what to do with America's military assets. One idea being discussed is to auction them off to the highest state bidder. There are complications with this approach, though. For example, should a landlocked state like Kansas be barred from bidding on a nuclear aircraft carrier or submarine, or should coastal states like Florida be given preference? Another approach is to sell them off to private enterprise. For example, Haliburton might buy the U.S. Army, Lockheed-Martin might buy the U.S. Air Force, and so on. States would then be free to contract with those companies for whatever level of defense they feel they need.

Of course, ending government interference with 2nd Amendment rights will free America's gun-obsessed citizens to form up real militias and live out their ultimate fantasies, possibly eliminating the need for any government-run national defense at all. They could form state or regional cooperatives to purchase their own tanks, fighter jets, and ICBMS on the open market, putting national defense completely under civilian control. And with no Department of State, rogue nations facing the prospect of dealing with roving bands of armed and possibly unstable yahoos instead of Hillary Clinton will think twice before threatening America's interests here or abroad.

After being briefed on the President's plan, Martin P. Wingdale of the Heritage Family Club for Conservative American Strength and Prosperity Foundation said "Finally. This is hope and change we can believe in and that America has been asking for. But we're still waiting for Barrack Hussein Obama to produce a birth certificate."

bizgrrl's picture

Awesome!I just attended the


I just attended the local Recess Rally where a group of people were asking for just this type of change. Government needs to stay out of their businees, as the above sign proclaims.

They don't have a clue.

Nobody's picture

Thank God for the Town

Thank God for the Town Halls. It may have saved the country.

Stick's picture

Space Tyranny

BHO just can't quit his socialistic ways! What about government tyranny of space?! If Amurikans are to have REAL choice in tele-communications technology, we must end the government monopoly over the satellites that ensure our 24/7 access to "reality" programming and "fair & balanced" sources of news! Tyranny I tell you! TYRANNY!

SnM's picture

Don't forget the legal system

Got to dismantle that. Time to set up private tribunals again. Lawyers have been prevented from making fortunes and forced to work for the state for far too long! End justice rationing in the U.S.!

reform4's picture



organizations, resulting in taxes on the American people.

FACT: Most Americans never use the socialized services of the fire department. The Obama administration has been very clear about keeping the status quo when it comes to taxpayer-funded fire departments.

It is time to open the fire department up to private industry. We have the best fire departments in the world in the US, but that doesn't mean that anyone (even non-US citizens) should be able to dial up and have fires put out, etc. There are private companies (Halliburtion, Etc.) who could step in tomorrow and take over every fire department in America and charge the consumer directly.


"Better DEAD than fire truck RED."
-member D.J. Hostettler

fletch's picture

Next up, state and local

Next up, state and local governments, which are just federal mini-mes. I'll just dump the garbage in my neighbor's yard, and if he has a problem with it, I'll express my 2nd amendment rights, and first, maybe 4th, whatever, those are all just more regulations anyway. I can't wait to start printing my own money.

onetahiti's picture

R. Neal

Wonderful post! :)

-- OneTahiti

Joe Kirkpatrick's picture

Dare to Dream

As exaggerated and amusing as the suggestions are, We the People could probably function better under those circumstances than the ones we are presently being forced to endure by the state.

Andy Axel's picture

the ones we are presently

the ones we are presently being forced to endure by the state.

Poor widdle oppwessed white man... held down by a few basis points of tax.


(I'm betting you've never been outside of this country, and no, resorts like Cozumel and island fortresses like Jamaica don't count.)


Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! Special holidays, Sundays and rates!

Joe Kirkpatrick's picture

Incorrect on every supposition, yet again

Oppression is always bad. The color of the victim isn't really an issue for me. I'm sorry my permanent status as a cracker-ass-cracker is such a problem. You're just angry because you wish you had some logic to buttress your lame, neo-Marxist arguments.

My tax rate, are you kidding? I don't even meet the low threshold the President considers rich. Won't be above the 28% bracket until I am your Governor.

My "rich" daddy owns land in the Yucatan. So, I guess we won't be seeing you at Club Med in your banana hammock. Otherwise, I've only been to Canada, England, Spain, Portugal, and France. Not as many as you, I'm sure, because you seem so cosmopolitan...bahahah!

Andy Axel's picture

The wonderful thing about

The wonderful thing about majority rule? Your ass-clown ideas won't even garner 1% of the vote come November 2010.

You've had some exposure to functioning social democracies. Good for you. Bet they're not all that scary when you're walking around in them after all. You appear to have survived the trip, anyway. I was just curious to know how your everyday experience as a middle Tennessean rates as compared to, say, Columbia. You think we're really better off as a libertarian society? Go join a drug cartel.


Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! Special holidays, Sundays and rates!

Joe Kirkpatrick's picture

So, I'm not an anarchist.

So, I'm not an anarchist. Excuuuuuse me! That doesn't make me Joe Stalin.

You are spending way to much time with your bong and the Phish cds.

gonzone's picture

I don't know

I don't know about that Joe.
I'm a damn fine sharp shooter and it would be legal for me to take out all the ones Darwin missed.
Just make sure you stay out of the gene pool, OK?
And what's this "we the people" crap, it's every man for himself by gawd.

"If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?"

Joe Kirkpatrick's picture


Sorry, man, I've got four kids. You should have warned me a long time ago about damaging the gene pool.

The "We The People" is like this: the Constitution was designed to preserve our divine right to go it alone. Just because you can't hack it doesn't mean the rest of us should be required to subsidize you. You'll be just fine living in mom and dad's basement.

Hey, be careful what you ask for, President Obama might just turn your mom and dad's basement into Section 8 housing when he decides to pull the plug on 'em instead of letting them leave it to you.

fletch's picture

Re "our divine right to go

Re "our divine right to go it alone". I'm curious... with 4 kids, yourself, a spouse maybe, do you cover them with a health insurance policy? If so, is it through your employer, Medicare for yourself perhaps, or do you buy individual policies?

Nobody's picture

We The People

With 27 amendments we still cant "go it alone".

gonzone's picture

blah, blah, blah

I'm probably old enough to be your dad there bucko. And it's entirely possible I could afford to buy and sell your sorry hide.

And when you grow up a little you might see how everything and everyone is interdependent and abandon your childish fantasies about being some proto-John Wayne protege (hint: real life ain't and has never been like the movies) and see the thin veneer on the Randian horse manure.

But then again, you might not and you may remain the childish fool that exemplifies right wing arrested development in Tennessee with your silly notions and poorly spelled signs.

"If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?"

amk's picture


Great post. The last line was the kicker and so true of birthers and deathers.

Joe Kirkpatrick's picture


.... yeah, and warmers, moochers, and one-worlders, too!

gonzone's picture

an exception

Just for you we'll make an exception and declare there are two worlds, the fantasy one you live in and the real one the rest of us inhabit where climate change is real and corporate welfare is the biggest moocher.

"If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?"

Changeling's picture

Half a loaf...

Everyone loves to complain about the corporations; the real problem is the symbiosis (interdependency (conspiracy)) between wealth and government, one hand washes the other and the body politic gets smellier and smellier. Eliminate patents, copyrights, and fiat currency and every person becomes ten times as free and a hundred times as wealthy. Allowing the richest and most well connected to decide amongst themselves what should be done next is precisely the problem we all came to America to avoid.
For the record, I loosely support Obama because he is both educated and charismatic; Obama's handlers, who kneecap him on every issue to please the lobbyists, should be drug out in the street and, well, I feel the same way about Karl Rove.
Government is not the answer.
Government is the question.
No is the answer.
We need a no confidence vote added to every contest!

P.S. America has a 160 character attention span, so if you are reading this, please do your best to convince other people that some thoughts cannot be expressed in bite-size chunks!

Somebody's picture

Yeah, patents and copyrights

Yeah, patents and copyrights are the problem. Those pesky writers, musicians and inventors screw us all over by insiting on making a living at it.

Nobody's picture

Waaa Waaaa I want my country

Waaa Waaaa I want my country back

Tell that to the native americans

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