Shannon Carey has a sadly topical story out of Union County:

"At Union County High School in Maynardville, Tennessee, a simple haircut can get you called a dyke.

Of course, bullying is typical in any high school, but what former student and vice president of the UCHS Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) Connor Mize calls “standard bullying with a homophobic flair,” came to a head last spring. And while former social studies teacher and GSA club sponsor Chris Richeson isn’t getting confirmation from the school system, he strongly suspects his involvement with the club resulted in his contract non-renewal and dismissal from his post after school let out in May..."


Stick's picture

Too Topical

I worry for the kids who have to endure the threats and bullying. Union county leadership are putting young people at risk. Hopefully, other news organizations will pick up this story.

I would also like to note that this is why tenure exists. Good on Richeson for doing what is right, but he shouldn't have to risk his livelihood to do so.

yellowdog's picture

It is why unions exist, too.

As long as management can fire people without just cause, this is what you get. In Union County (and most of the rest of Tennessee), "just cause" is "just because I want to."

Stick's picture

Omission on my part...


Mary L. Wilson's picture

Thanks, Yellowdog ! You are on to it!

Your comment was correct. Even though Tennessee teachers have a Union, they have NO POWER to represent their members. This is why Knox County Schools was able to fire, let go, lay off, or 'get rid of' so many first year exemplary teachers...the numbers HERE, per year were appalling: 33, 40, 50 plus in the last 3 school years. There was no reason given, and some were so discouraged they got out of teaching and had to pay thousands of loans as they followed their dreams.

This is also the main reason for Haslam's OUTSOURCING thousands of far in our Prisons where staff has dropped in every one, leaving not near enough workers to provide security for prisoners OR themselves. There used to be a strong "prison staff workers union". But those remaining who had good pay and benefits are leaving every day because they literally afraid to work in these environments.

And then we have the HASLAM PLAN to fire, let go, dismiss, thousands of employees at almost ALL facilities run or owned by the State...his special crew has yet to make up figures to prove the State will "save millions per year" by replacing these awesome employees...and guess what? There are several UNIONS that represent these workers...another GOAL of Haslam.
It is pathetic, especially with his conflict of interest because he OWNS STOCK in the OUTSOURCING company.

Stick's picture

Great... but...

What about TENURE? It emerged from PROGRESSIVE ERA reforms to fight corruption and encourage responsible governance, and it is a FEMINIST ISSUE. The national Democratic party has been attacking DUE PROCESS for well over a decade now, in practice if not rhetoric. Does the state party take a different position?

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